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Hunter Information

Hunter Divisions for Year End Awards
  • Ground Poles Hunter
    Open to riders/horses with very limited experience. To show at a trot, taking a jumping position over each pole. Flat class to show at the walk and trot. To be judged on the horse.

  • Ground Poles Equitation
    Open to riders with very limited experience. To show at a trot, taking a jumping position over each pole. Flat class to show at the walk and trot. To be judged on the rider.

  • Cross Rails Hunter
    For beginner riders. To show at the trot over a course of crossrails not to exceed 18”. Excessive cantering to be penalized. Flat class will show at the walk and trot. To be judged on the horse.

  • Cross Rails Equitation
    Same specifications as above. To be judged on the rider.

  • Green Horse Hunter
    For beginning riders. To show at the canter over a course of crossrails and verticals not to exceed 18”. Simple change, and trotting in corners is permitted. Flat class will show at the walk, trot, and canter. To be judged on the horse.

  • Green Equitation
    Same specifications as above. To be judged on the rider.

  • Beginner Horse Hunter
    Open to riders or horses ready to canter a course. Fences 2” - 2’.3” Trotting in corners not to be penalized.

  • Beginner Equitation
    Same specifications as above. To be judged on the rider.

  • Intermediate Hunter
    Open to all horses and riders. Fences 2’6” - 2’9”.

  • Jumpers
    Open to all horses and riders. 3 different classes offered, heights range from 2' to 2'9".  Year end awards will be combined.

Hunter Show Bill
  1. Ground Poles Hunter Under Saddle

  2. Ground Poles Hunter Over Fences

  3. Ground Poles Hunter Over Fences

  4. Ground Poles Equitation US

  5. Ground Poles Equitation OF

  6. Ground Poles Equitation OF

  7. Warm-Up Over Fences ($10. 00 entry)

  8. Cross Rails Hunter US

  9. Cross Rails Hunter OF

  10. Cross Rails Hunter OF

  11. Cross Rails Equitation US

  12. Cross Rails Equitation OF

  13. Cross Rails Equitation OF

  14. Warm-Up Over Fences ($10. 00 entry)

  15. Green Horse Hunter US

  16. Green Horse Hunter OF 18”

  17. Green Horse Hunter OF

  18. Green Equitation US

  19. Green Equitation OF

  20. Green Equitation OF

  21. Warm-Up Over Fences ($10. 00 entry)

  22. Green Jumper Class - 2”

  23. Beginner Horse Hunter US

  24. Beginner Horse Hunter OF

  25. Beginner Horse Hunter OF

  26. Beginner Equitation US

  27. Beginner Equitation OF 2’ - 2’3”

  28. Beginner Equitation OF

  29. Beginner Jumper - 2’3”

  30. Intermediate Horse Hunter US

  31. Intermediate Horse Hunter OF 2’6”-2’9”

  32. Intermediate Horse Hunter OF

  33. Intermediate Jumper -2’6”- 2’9”

  34. A - DLSC Medal 18" Jumps
    B - DLSC Medal 2'-2'3" Jumps
    C - DLSC Medal 2'6"-2'9" Jumps
    ($25.00 entry)

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