Thoroughbred Incentive Program (T.I.P.) Year End Awards
In 2022, DLSC is once again partnering with The Jockey Club to add T.I.P. Year End Awards for eligible horses who compete at DLSC shows this year.
Awards Ribbons and Prizes will be awarded for the following:
High Score Dressage Champion
Dressage Reserve Champion
High Point Hunter Champion
Hunter Reserve Champion
All awards are Year End and based on performance scores or points accumulated throughout the season. Points are automatically calculated but DLSC must be notified of eligibility. Notification of eligibility is due by October 31, 2022. Each award is given regardless of level or class competed.
Only Thoroughbreds that have been registered with The Jockey Club or a foreign Thoroughbred stud book recognized by The Jockey Club are eligible. Riders and owners must apply for a T.I.P. Number. Note: T.I.P. Numbers are FREE! To apply for a T.I.P. Number, go to and click on T.I.P. Number/Data Entry.
Award Requirements
In addition to the eligibility requirements above, the following will be used to calculate points for the awards:
DLSC attendance requirements – horses must participate in a minimum of 4 shows. For Hunter and Equitation awards, horses must participate in all 3 classes of any division for attendance to count.
High Score Dressage – scores must be obtained at a minimum of 4 shows but can be collected at any level and with any rider. Only the highest score achieved at a show will count towards the awards. A horse’s Year End Average is calculated by averaging their top 4 scores collected for the year. Champion and Reserve Champion will be awarded based on the highest Year End Average.
High Point Hunter – Points can be collected in any of the Hunter classes; no limit as to level or rider. Points will be awarded based on placing in classes using DLSC point amounts (i.e. 7 points for 1st place, 5 points for 2nd place, etc.). Unlike DLSC awards, points may be accumulated in any individual Hunter class with any rider as long as the attendance requirements are met. If a horse does not compete in at least 1 full Hunter/Equitation division at a show, attendance will not count and no Hunter points will be collected from that show. Performance in Jumper classes does not count towards T.I.P. Year End Awards. Champion and Reserve Champion will be awarded to the horses that accumulate the most points for the season. Final scores will be calculated based on an average of points per qualifying division. Ties will be broken based on average over fences points accumulated.
Any questions regarding the DLSC – Thoroughbred Incentive Program Year End Awards should be directed to Tammy at Serenity Valley Farm (