Hunter Rules
There must be 4 riders in a division for Championships to be awarded at a show. Points do count for year end awards whether Championships are awarded or not. A Horse/Rider combination may only compete in 2 consecutive levels for points and ribbons. If you wish to enter a Third level only the highest 2 will count for year end awards.
Points will be award as follows:
7 points for first place
5 points for second place
4 points to a third place
3 points for a fourth place
2 points for a fifth place
1 point for a sixth place
Ties will be broken by the most points accumulated over fences. Points are awarded in every class, even if there are 4 riders or less.
Warm Up Class—Each rider may jump only 8 fences. There is a maximum time limit of 2 minutes.
Every horse on grounds must have a number at all times, including non competing horses.
We will follow OHJA rules. They can be found at
Year end awards are based on the accumulation of points throughout the season within the same division. Points will automatically be collected and tabulated for every show per the point schedule listed above.
For Hunter divisions, the same horse and rider combination must compete to accumulate points. In the Equitation divisions, the points follow the rider, competing on any horse. Riders must attend a minimum of 4 Hunter shows. Attendance will only count and year end points awarded if the rider competes in all 3 classes of their selected division.
In Equitation divisions, a rider may only accumulate year end points on 1 horse per division shown, and that horse must be ridden in all 3 classes within the division.
Note: For Hunter, same horse/rider pair is ineligible to win a division championship in consecutive years, though they may compete and place otherwise. For Equitation, riders are ineligible on any horse to win a division championship in consecutive years, though they may compete and place otherwise.
more Hunter Show Information
Jumper Class rules
Thoroughbred Incentive Program (T.I.P.) rules
Class may be split at managements discretion.
Closing Date: Postmarked Wednesday prior to show.
Awards: Ribbons first through sixth.
Champion and Reserve each division. (Minimum of 4 riders)
Class Fees: $15.00 pre-entry; $18.00 day of show. Pre-entry encouraged - day of show entries accepted ONLY if space allows.
Office fee: $15.00 per horse/rider combination
Warm-up class $10.00.
Refunds: No refunds after closing date.
Times: Start time 9:00 a. m.
ASTM approved helmets must be worn whenever mounted. No Exceptions