Keep track of your 2024 year end points here!
All Points/Standings are updated through September 1.
Standings/Points will be updated every so often up to the final 2 shows of the season (to try to keep some surprise for the Year End Awards Banquet). If you have any questions on your individual results, please contact Tammy at
Remember you must show in 4 shows and comply to the rules of your division to qualify for year end awards (Medals are not included as they are not a Year End division... see the DLSC Medal Standings page for details). We still have half the season to go so there is still PLENTY of time to qualify.
2024 Current Standings
Hunter Standings
Dressage Standings
Jumper Standings
Things to know about the current standings:
Standings are in alphabetical order by Rider First Name
Equitation division results have been combined - # of shows and points. Remember Equitation division competitors may compete on more than 1 horse.
Current standings separate First Level scores from Percentage scores. DLSC reserves the right to combine these divisions based on the final number of qualified participants.
4 shows are required to qualify for Year End Awards, and all rides are automatically tracked.
Remember if you only rode in 1 or 2 classes of any hunter division, your scores do not count. You must ride in all 3 classes of a division for them to count. If you see a decimal number under Number of Shows it means there is at least 1 show where the points won't count in the end even if they are added in right now.
If there are any errors or you would like a breakdown of how your score was calculated, please contact Tammy at as soon as possible.
Remember, Year End Awards Banquet is TBA! More details will come but ALL are invited!!
If you have any questions on the results listed above, please contact Tammy at